Tuesday 25 May 2010

Contest #2

Hello chobots! the reward will be bugs! VIA a game of space race.

Your task is to write a story about muttly

The winners will be announced on the 4th of June!

Monday 24 May 2010

Contest #1 winners!

Hello! :) i have read through about 70 e-mails and 1 entry Via blogger and i have the results in my hand XD

The winner of 1000 bugs AND a Love T-shirt (color optional) is WILLIAM. Your story was outstanding! best story i have ever read! WOW.

The winner of 500 bugs AND a pat on the back goes to Potter909. Your story had lots of clauses and a nice cliff hanger! welldone.

The winner of 300 bugs goes to Llita! Welldone

Saturday 8 May 2010

Contest #1

Hello chobots! :)

this is the FIRST EVER STORY CONTEST on this blog!

The theme is 'the chobot who wanted a radio'

Please fill both pages or maybe more if you need more. make sure you add a picture at the end of your story in the 'INSERT PICTURE HERE :)' section. make sure its no bigger than the square.

You have untill 15th May 2010 :)

Winners :)

1st place will win 500 bugs OR 1000 if 20 enter
2nd place will win 300 bugs OR 500 if 20 enter
3rd place will win 100 bugs OR 300 bugs if 20 enter

You might even win a LOVE T-shirt :)

Welcome to Chobots Story Books

Hello and welcome to chobots story books! :)

My first edits XD

The prizes shall be Bugs or maybe a little supprise will await ;)

Notice a flower on the book? well that flower might be a item soon! (well i hope so... coz the winners should recieve it)

Here is the writing template :)
